Hi. I am Heung-soon,Noh a professional lawyer established to establish a foreign investment corporation.
I will explain the establishment of a foreign investment corporation subject to the Foreign Investment Promotion Act.
1. Advantages of applying the above Act
This law is designed to protect foreign investors, and in the wake of the war, the full amount of the investment can be returned.
Also, if you sell a hotel, you can return it to Malaysia only by declaring it.
There is no limit to the number of remittances, and you can freely transfer money.
2. Complete Procedure
(1) Investment report (the most important step)
If you send me the documents necessary for the establishment of the corporation and the documents required for the investment declaration in advance and send it to Malaysia, you must notify it and send it to me with the confirmation of the Korean consulate in Malaysia.
When the documents arrive, the FDI account is opened immediately when I report the investment.
In Malaysia, we send money to this account.
The remitted capital will remain in the FDI account until a corporate account is opened.
(2) Establishment of a foreign investment corporation
I will proceed with the incorporation process in the court centered on the documents I have received and the certificate of completion of the deposit issued by the bank. In Korea, the establishment of a corporation will be established only after registration. In this case, the period is estimated about one week in total.
(3) Business registration
When a corporation is established, the corporation registration department is submitted to the tax office to apply for business registration. This takes about two days. Once a business license is issued, you can create a corporate account. At this time, the capital stock in the FDI account will be automatically transferred to this account.
(4) Registered as a foreign-invested company
This is the final step. If you submit a corporate registration and a business registration certificate to the investment reporting bank and register it as a foreign-invested enterprise, you will become a foreign-invested corporation subject to the Foreign Investment Promotion Act.
This period will take about 4 days.
For reference, the most time required for the above procedure is (1) investment declaration stage. The period and the period of sending my documents to me with notarized and confirmed documents are determined according to the situation of the Malaysian government, so I can not predict.
TEL: (+82)2-718-9100 / E-mail: hs3289@naver.com
Heungsoon Noh Law Office
Local Finance Bldg13FL 136 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
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